Yazar: Tom King
Çizer: Tony S. Daniel, Sandu Florea, Mikel Janin, David Finch, Joëlle Jones, Mitch Gerads, Rafael Albuquerque, Neal Adams, Andy Kubert, Becky Cloonan, Ty Templeton, José Luis García-López, Frank Miller, Lee Bermejo, Jason Fabok, Clay Mann, Lee Weeks, Tim Sale, Paul Pope, Greg Capullo, Jim Lee, Scott Williams, Amanda Conner, Clay Mann
Sayfa Sayisi: 176
Booster Gold arrives in Gotham City to give Bruce Wayne a gift-the kind that could have deadly consequences! Then, just as the Bat and the Cat are starting to think it might be easier to just elope than go through with their wedding plans, The Joker kidnaps his old foe-but will he try to talk him out of his marriage plans, or just bash his brains in?
It all concludes in the historic wedding issue!
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