Yazar: Stan Lee, Roy Thomas
Çizer: Don Heck
Kapak Çizeri: Leonardo Romero
Sayfa Sayisi: 216
Avengers Assemble! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are back in another Mighty Marvel Masterworks volume of classic tales from the Avengers’ early days! Hold on tight as Captain America, Goliath, the Wasp Hawkeye, Quicksilver and the Scarlet Witch battle the villainous Sons of the Serpent, the Living Laser, Ultrana and no less than Namor the Sub-Mariner! With guest-appearances by Iron Man, Black Widow, Hercules and Nick Fury, plus the first appearance of Giant-Man-to-be Bill Foster, and the beginning of Avengers storyteller supreme Roy Thomas’ amazing work on the series? There’s no question book one is a packed-to-the-limits must-have for every Marvel fan.
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